SEARCH KEYWORD -- Computer skills

  Why Every Professional Should Consider Blogging

I often argue that professionals should share their knowledge online via blogging. The catch is that virtually anything worthwhile in life takes time and effort, and blogging is not an exception to this statement. So before committing your energy to such an endeavor, you may rightfully stop and wonder what’s in it for you. Is blogging really worth it? In this article, I briefly illustrate some of the main benefits that directly derive from running a technical blog. 1. Blogging can impr...

   Developer,Blogging,Share knowledge     2012-01-29 04:30:07

  Emotion analysis on Twitter for past 5 years

Emotion analysis is a new research direction in computer science in these years, what it does is expressing emotions and feelings of people with data. The means to do emotion analysis include natural language processing, statistical and signal processing. The platforms which are most suitable for emotion analysis are also microblogging like social networking platform, Twitter is one good example.Computing Laboratory of the University of Vermont project Hedonometer conducted emotion analysis for...

   Emotion analysisTwitter,Hedonometer,happiness     2013-05-08 06:17:25

  Multitasking vs multiprogramming

As all these processing are the part of computer functions. You should not be confused between these processes.In computing, multitasking is a method by which multiple tasks are performed by the user also known as processes, share common processing resources such as a CPU. CPU is actively executing more than one task at a time. Multitasking solves the problem by scheduling the tasks instructions. Which task may be the one running at any...

   multitasking,multiprogramming,os,differe     2011-09-22 13:46:30

  Tribute to Java On Successful Completion Of 20 Years

There is a great news for fans of Java that this week Java have completed its 20 years of success and that’s why it is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Java is a language which show legacy with the piece of technology and this is virtually important as the powerful programming methods and related machines are JVM (java virtual machine). SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF NEW VERSIONS Java developers are specially celebrating their event due to the huge success of their language and they get success a...

   Java software development, Java development services     2015-05-29 08:23:52

  Do you still remember things you saw around you as a kid

I believe we all have unforgettable childhood, we might see many weird stuff around us and had deep impression about some cool stuff. Some of the old stuff may extinct now but every time when we saw an item rare to be seen, the old memories may flush into our brain immediately and we would be excited about it. Can you still remember things around you as a kid? Here are some of them, if you were born at 80's or 90's, you may be familiar with these. 1. Windows 95 and Windows 98 We could see these ...

   Childhood,Internet     2013-11-25 08:58:58

  Ask Bill Gates Anything: Being a Billionaire is Strange, Microsoft Co-Founder Tells Students

How’s the life of a billionaire? “Quite strange,” says Bill Gates, who fielded questions from University of Washington students on Thursday evening as part of a lecture on the future of computing.Gates’ talk, at a packed hall in the UW’s computer science building, focused on some areas where he thinks cheap, powerful computing will have a major impact on society, including education, disease, and robotics.Gates recalled spending time on the UW camp...

   Bill Gate,Billionare,Rich,Advice,UW,Computing     2011-10-28 10:38:34


What should a ‘cache’ be? It means a lot of things, but to my mind the default programming type should be: “keep around expensive-to-generate bits of read-only data in case we need them again, or until the computer really needs that RAM for something else” I was writing a custom video editing program in Python (interesting choice of language for that problem) and I wanted to cache decoded frames; but I just wasn’t happy with the memory management of explici...

   Buffer,Cache,Web browser,Memory,RAM     2012-02-24 05:10:10

  How Computers Boot Up

The previous post described motherboards and the memory map in Intel computers to set the scene for the initial phases of boot. Booting is an involved, hacky, multi-stage affair – fun stuff. Here’s an outline of the process: An outline of the boot sequence Things start rolling when you press the power button on the computer (no! do tell!). Once the motherboard is powered up it initializes its own firmware – the chipset and other tidbits – and tries to ...

   Computer,Boot-up,Rationale     2012-04-11 13:43:02

  Some geek mats to welcome guests

Geeks are mostly otaku, they like surfing the Internet, playing games. Perhaps not everyone is a programmer, but most of them have some understanding of programming. It is undoubtedly very necessary to have a specific pattern mat at the door as a glorious proud geek, what mat should you use? 1. Binary Floor/Door Mat There are 10 kinds of people in the world, one is understanding binary code, the other one who doesn't understand binary code. The above binary mat is the binary codes of " welcome"...

   Mat,Geek,Entertainment     2012-10-05 19:39:24

  JavaScript JVM runs Java

The world of software is made slightly crazy because of the huge flexibility within any computer language. Once you have absorbed the idea of a compiler written in the language it compiles what else is there left to gawp at? But... a Java Virtual Machine JVM written in JavaScript seems like another level of insanity.In fact it is a quite reasonable idea which is only made mad by the usual positions that Java, the top dog, and JavaScript the underling, usually occupy. Java is compiled not to mach...

   JavaScript,JVM,BicaVM,Cross platform,JavaScript written JVM     2011-11-22 02:51:38